The DANUBEcare project will address a current problem – the presence of the invasive crayfish species F. limosus in the Danube River and its detrimental impact on native crayfish species and biodiversity, for which there is still no systemic solution. Project ambition is to help solve the problem caused by F. limosus in the simplest and most environmentally friendly manner by creating novel food and feed products with commercial potential, and utilizing shells in line with the concept of ZERO WASTE.

Reducing waste and the efficient use of resources are key to UN Sustainability Development Goal 12, which focuses on responsible production and consumption.
The project activities focus on collaborating with relevant industries to find economically viable ways of using the meat and shells, which contribute to the development of an ecological concept within the circular economy. This state-of-the-art research might also be applicable to other invasive alien species.
A multidisciplinary approach to this problem will enhance sustainability that attempts to bridge science with citizens and environmental science with the technology of the future. Therefore, the project will raise awareness about the challenges posed by invasive species and educate various target groups including the scientific community, industry, policymakers and the general public, about the possible consequences of their overpopulation. This effort is a crucial step towards achieving a permanent and systemic solution.