Work Packages

Work Package 1
Distribution and sampling of spiny-cheek crayfish

Work Package 2
Development of valuable products with spiny-cheek crayfish meat intended for human and pet consumption

Work Package 3
Crayfish shell waste as an alternative for sustainable water and wastewater treatment

Work Package 4
From sources to innovative sustainable materials for packaging application
Work Package 5
Dissemination and Communication
The objective of the WP5 is to increase visibility and awareness about the outputs of the project and developments that have been achieved during the DANUBEcare project.
Within this WP, all key stakeholders, such as the scientific community, public authorities, society, and industry representatives will be involved in fostering the impact of the project activities and results.
This WP shall ensure that the project objectives, activities, events, and outputs are widely promoted to the target groups defined by the Dissemination and Communication Plan.

Work Package 6
Coordination and project management
The objectives of WP6 are to coordinate and ensure proper implementation of the project activities by a timely realization of all outputs and indicators, provide effective financial, administrative and technical coordination, including financial monitoring, as well as to establish a smooth internal and external communication flow and appropriate risk management activities.